Friday, December 22, 2006

My Movie Blog

This is my first time doing this blog thing and I really don't have any idea what to do or how to present it. But I do like movies, and other people do too so I guess I can write about that. Up until a few years ago I never took movies seriously. To me a movie was either good or bad. I had no idea who directed films and I definitely didn't know why it mattered.

For example I couldn't tell you the difference between the directing in Mighty Ducks 2 and Schindler's List. The only people I related to films were the people on the screen. I'm sure many feel the same way. A few years ago this all changed.

I was flipping through the channels one day and I came across a movie called The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. The title intrigued me. I've heard about this movie and once I saw that Clint Eastwood was in it I figured it was just one of those token Westerns which I would find useless and boring. It was the end of the movie, so I figured I'd check it out because nothing else was on at the time. Due to most Westerns having weak plots I caught on pretty quickly on what the characters were doing, why they there and what they were about to do.

I was completely blown away.

What happened on that screen would forever change the way I viewed movies.  I'm not going to get into the specifics, but please do yourself a favor and watch The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.  It's a spectacular film. 

Although I saw this movie on TV, you should always try and see movies in a theater. I understand that prices these days are pretty ridiculous and overall its kind of a pain in the ass to drag yourself to the local cinema, but try. If you cannot do this, rent the movie but make sure its wide screen.  And try sit through it from start to finish like you would normally do at a theater. Here are some reasons not to watch movies on TV.

1. You are really not watching the movie that you intended to see. You are watching the version that the TV station is letting you see. In Quentin Tarantino's masterpiece Pulp Fiction, the word "fuck" is said like some two hundred times or something like that. If you are watching it on TNT, it won't be said at all along with a bunch of other choice words.

2. TV Commercials are meant for TV shows, not movies. Watching Braveheart with a three minute commercial break every ten minutes is fuckn stupid and pointless. If you don't mind commercials when you watch movies, get off this site and go back to enjoying Friends.

3. Full Screen compared to wide screen. Its important to watch movies on wide screen. Whoever made the film intended it to be watched this way.

4. There is also a thing I would like to call "outside interference." When you are at a theater, does anyone come in and ask you to "check the score of the Celtics game?" Or "Is Deal or No Deal on?" No, they do not. But at home this type of behavior is acceptable. So it is tough to get into a movie when you are forced to watch the last hand of the 2003 world series of poker for the sixteenth time.

I hope you have enjoyed my first blog entry on Movies. Over the next year or so I hope to review some of my favorite movies and of some that I have seen recently. If you have any movies that you want me to see or write about it, email me at